There's a time for work and a time to play. Sometimes, you need a casual pair of sneakers. The kind of sneakers that blend in to any attire. They complement your jeans. They add a hip strut to your suit. A pair of Grey Sporty Plimsoll sneakers by Zara are just those sneakers. Their dark grey color is vibrant. It never bores you by being too dark or too light. And, complemented by its white laces and heel, It's the perfect mix of light and dark. These sneakers fit any attire. They're sporty enough to go throw the football around in jeans. Yet, they have enough class to blend in nicely with some grey slacks. Their comfortability doesn't just stop on your feet. It projects on your entire attire.
You look good with those sneakers. But don't stop there. The key to the right look is about matching. This week, we've customized two belts for your choosing. The first is a dark grey leather belt. Again, like the shoes, its grey color never feels like a fog. Not only does it match the shoes, but its burnished silver buckle matches perfectly against the belt's very color. Its the kind of belt that'll contrast a dark suit any day. Next, our suede belt this week comes in white with charcoal stitches. We've reversed the color schemes of the shoes for this belt. So, instead of the shoes' primary grey color, this belt comes in a snowy white with charcoal stitches to match the shoes. It' s a great belt come winter. A shiny remained against any dark suit of the whitest season.
Shoe: Grey Sporty Plimsoll sneakers by Zara
Matching BeltCraft Belt: Custom Leather and Cloth Belt, via our Craft Yours page. The belts are:
Material: Leather
Belt Color: Grey
Stitch Color: White
Belt Loop Color: Match Belt
Buckle Shape: Square Roller
Buckle Color: Burnished Silver
Or, here's something for color contrast...
Material: Suede
Belt Color: White
Stitch Color: Charcoal
Belt Loop Color: Match Belt
Buckle Shape: Rounded
Buckle Color: Polished Silver
Want to see one of your shoes featured on the next #MYSM? Email us your shoes at!
(Photo credit: Zara Co.)